About Us


The At-Taqwa Centre is situated within the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham and was established in 2005.

The Islamic Centre has been primarily established as a place of prayer for all Muslims with no association to any particular ethnicity or background. Thus, the attending congregations have represented the true diversity of the Muslim community making At-Taqwa a tremendously inclusive and welcoming place.

As well as catering for various cultural backgrounds, There is significant representation from women in the Masjid. Women play a vital role in Masjid At-Taqwa which is important given that few Masaajid in Barking cater for them, especially during the holy month of Ramadaan and the Friday prayer. The women are heavily involved in all aspects of Masjid activities and provide great support to the community.

The Masjid is the centre of the Muslim community and plays a vital role in helping them to fulfil their religious obligations. However Masjid At-Taqwa aims to exceed the minimal requirements and provide a variety of services and activities that promote goodness in all its forms.

Masjid At-Taqwa is a non-profit organisation registered with the Charity Commission ( http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/) registration number: 1141106. The Masjid is licensed by Barking & Dagenham Council and is affiliated to the Federation of Muslim Organisations (www.fmo.org.uk).

Our Vision

To become the leading Islamic Centre of Excellence in the UK, nurturing exemplary citizens who strive to promote all goodness and benefit the welfare of every person in society

Our Mission

By the Grace of Allah we endeavour to provide and maintain an Islamic centre built upon His final revelation (the Quran) and the teachings of His final Messenger (Prophet Muhammad pbuh) solely for His pleasure, with the purpose of serving the religious and social needs of our community. A place for prayer, education and social welfare that is inclusive and open to all members of society, regardless of gender, race or religion. A centre that encourages our members to be upstanding citizens.

Our Values

•  Adherence to the final revelation of Allah (the Quran) and the teachings of His final Messenger (the Sunnah), as observed by the earliest generations of Muslims closest to our noble messenger (PBUH).
•  Dealing with all people in a respectful and kind manner
•  Respect for the prominent four schools of jurisprudence in Islam & regarding the four prominent Imams as our Imams
•  Fostering compassion, forbearance and development of knowledge
•  Promote good moral character, charitable behaviour and honourable conduct to better oneself, the family and so the wider community
•  Inclusive and welcoming to all regardless of religion, race or gender
•  Promote social and intellectual inclusion of Muslims within British society

Follow Us

At-Taqwa Islamic & Family Centre
Account: 6170 8449
Sort Code: 40-09-06

© All rights reserved - At-Taqwa Islamic Centre